

WOD: 02.08.2018

#1 Weightlifting:

EMOM in 10 mins of:

1 x Power Snatch

Start the 5 first minutes building to a heavy load, then keep this load for the next 5 mins


#2: Strength:

Strict Press:


Build up to a 3 Rep Max for the day


#3 Metcon:

EMOM in 24 mins of:

Round 1 (Odd minutes):

3 Broad Jumps

6 KB Swings @ 32/24 kg

9 KB Goblet Squats @ 32/24 kg


Round 2 (Even minutes):

3 Burpees

6 T-2-B

9 Wall Balls

If you can’t complete the rounds on the minute anymore, you’re out! 

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