
WOD: 10.08.2018

#1 Morning Metcon:

For time:

1 Round of:

7 x Burpees

12 x Sit-Ups

17 x Air Squats


4 x 400m runs

2 Rounds of:

7 x Burpees

12 x Sit-Ups

17 x Air Squats


3 x 400m runs

3 Rounds of:

7 x Burpees

12 x Sit-Ups

17 x Air Squats


2 x 400m runs

4 Round of:

7 x Burpees

12 x Sit-Ups

17 x Air Squats

Then: 1 x 400m run

#2: Back Squats: SMOLOV Jr. Week #2, Day #3

Use this app to calculate your program

(Do the Squats later on the day!)

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