
WOD: 26.10.2019

#1 Warm Up: EMOM in 9 mins of:

1st min: 15 Wall Balls

2nd min: 10m Handstand Walk

3rd min: 10 Burpees

#2 Weightlifting:

2.1 Cluster up to Max Weight

2.2 Cleans up to Max Weight

#3 Strength:

Back Squats: 3 waves of 6 and 3 reps

6 reps

3 reps

6 reps

3 reps

6 reps

3 reps

  • Add weight each sett!

#4 Metcon: Team 2:

For time:

100 CAL Row

50 Sand Bag Clean @ 150/100 pounds

100 Box Jump Overs 30/24’

50 DB Snatches @ 40/15 kg

100 CAL Row

#5 Accessory: Tabata 13 sec work / 17 sec rest

8 x Hollow Hold


WOD: 24.10.2019

#1 Strength:

Strict Shoulder Press: 5×3 reps

#2 Metcon:

AMRAP in 12 mins of:

5 Push press

10 KB Swings

15 DB Hang Cleans

#3: Accessory Work:

4 sets of:

3a) 10 Bicep Curls at a heavy weight

3b) 10 Bicep Curls at a light weight


WOD: 23.10.2019


Tabata: 20 sec on / 10 sec off

8 x Push Ups

8 x Sit ups

8 x KB Goblet Squats

8 x Burpees

8 x KB Swings


For time:

60min accumulated Hand Stand hold

25 CAL on Assult Bike

4 Rope Climbs

6 Burpee bar muscle ups


5×3 reps Back Squats


EMOM in 10 mins of:

8 x Walking Lunges


WOD: 12.10.2019

#1 Mobility:

Hamstrings: 4 minutes

Hips: 2 minutes

Foam Roll: 4 minutes

#2 Strength:

a) Weighted Pull-ups: 5×5

b) Power Cleans: work to a heavy single

c) Deadlifts: 5×5 (one weight on all sets)

#3 Accessory work:

a1) Cable lat-pulls: 5×10 reps

a2) Rowig: 5×10 reps

#4 Metcon:

EMOM in 10 mins of:

8 Cal Rows

8 Burpees