
WOD: 30.04.2019

#1 Strength:

Strict Presses –> Push Presses –> Jerks

Start by doing 5 reps of Strict presses.

Increase the weight for each set.

When it starts to get heavy, reduce the reps.

Go for a new 1RM

After 1RM Strict Press, continue with Push Presses

Only singles from here, until 1 RM Push Press,

then do Jerks —> 1RM

#2 Metcon: from Crossfit.com

5 Rounds for time of:

7 Dumbell Rows (Left arm)

7 Dumbell Rows (Right arm)

21 Dumbell Bench Presses

500m row


WOD: 10.08.2018

#1 Morning Metcon:

For time:

1 Round of:

7 x Burpees

12 x Sit-Ups

17 x Air Squats


4 x 400m runs

2 Rounds of:

7 x Burpees

12 x Sit-Ups

17 x Air Squats


3 x 400m runs

3 Rounds of:

7 x Burpees

12 x Sit-Ups

17 x Air Squats


2 x 400m runs

4 Round of:

7 x Burpees

12 x Sit-Ups

17 x Air Squats

Then: 1 x 400m run

#2: Back Squats: SMOLOV Jr. Week #2, Day #3

Use this app to calculate your program

(Do the Squats later on the day!)



WOD: 09.08.2018

#1 Weightlifting:

EMOM in 20 mins of:

2 x Power Snatch @ Work up to today’s 2 RM


#2 Strength:

5-4-3-2-2-2-2—> 2 RM

Behind the neck Push-Press w/ Snatch grip.


Thats it; morning workout is coming!



WOD: 08.08.2018

#1 Back Squats: SMOLOV Jr. Week #2, Day #2

Use this app to calculate your program


#2 Mobility: Squats

Work with improving your movement in the hips. This means you should do som kind of stretch, trigger-point treatment and/or movements that better your squating position.




WOD: 07.08.2018

#1 Weightlifting:

EMOM in 15 mins of:

2 x Power Cleans @ Work up to a heavy load for the last 5 mins.


#2 Metcon:

10 rounds for time of:

3 x Burpees

5 x T -2- B

7 x OH Squats @ 40/30 kg




WOD: 05.08.2018

#1 Back Squats: SMOLOV Jr. Day #4

Use this app to calculate your program.


#2 Mobility & Core Strength:

5 Rounds: (Not for time)

2 min Glute Stretch (Left foot)

2 min Glute Stretch (Right foot)

5 GHD Back Extensions w/ Barbell (Load the barbell if needed)





WOD: 04.08.2018

#1 Metcon:

«Death by HSPU»

1st min: 1 x HSPU

2nd min: 2 x HSPU

Etc.. Until you can’t preform the given reps within a minute.


#2 Metcon:

«Death by Wall Balls»

1st min: 1 x Wall Ball

2nd min: 2 x Wall Balls

Etc.. Until you can’t preform the given reps within a minute.


#3 Extra Metcon: (If you have time)

Team WOD (2): «Murph’ish»

4 Rounds for time of:

800m Row

50 Pull Ups

100 Push Ups

150 Air Squats




WOD: 03.08.2018

#1 Morning Metcon:

For time:

40-30-20-10 reps of:





21 x Burpees

1 x 400m Run

15 x Burpees

2 x 400m Runs

9 x Burpees

3 x 400m Runs


#2 Back Squats: SMOLOV Jr. Day #3

Use this app to calculate your program.


Decide whether or not you want/have the time to do #1 and #2 together or as two separate sessions. Remember that the Squat cycle should be a priority!



WOD: 02.08.2018

#1 Weightlifting:

EMOM in 10 mins of:

1 x Power Snatch

Start the 5 first minutes building to a heavy load, then keep this load for the next 5 mins


#2: Strength:

Strict Press:


Build up to a 3 Rep Max for the day


#3 Metcon:

EMOM in 24 mins of:

Round 1 (Odd minutes):

3 Broad Jumps

6 KB Swings @ 32/24 kg

9 KB Goblet Squats @ 32/24 kg


Round 2 (Even minutes):

3 Burpees

6 T-2-B

9 Wall Balls

If you can’t complete the rounds on the minute anymore, you’re out!