

WOD: 01.08.2018

#1 Back Squats: SMOLOV Jr. Day #2

Use this app to calculate your program.


#2 Active recovery:

– We now have one less weekly rest day, so we’re going to include some active recovery throghout the 3 weeks of SMOLOV Jr cycle:

Bike for 45 minutes, moderate pace.



WOD: 30.07.2018


25 x GHD Back Ext.

25 x GHD Sit Ups

25 x Air Squats


#1 Back Squats: SMOLOV Jr. Day #1

Today we start a 3 week SMOLOV jr. Cycle:

Use this to calculate your program:


#2 Metcon:

3 Rounds, not for time of:

800m run

50 DU’s

25 Strict Ring Dips





WOD: 19.06.2018

Warm Up:

15km Bike ride


#1 Strength:

5×8 reps Pull-Ups

5×8 reps Ring Dips

alternate between exercises.

Rest maximum 90 Sec between rounds


#2 Metcon:

50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:

Double Unders





WOD: 16.06.2018

#1 Metcon: «Anna»

In teams of 2:

For time:

500 Wall Balls

Every time you switch or dropp the ball, do:

10 x Clean & Jerk @ 70/50kg (5 reps each).


Exit Key:

100 Burpees over the bar (50 each).


Time Cap: 40 mins.



WOD: 15.06.2018

Morning Metcon:

For time:

40-30-20-10 reps of:


Mountain Climbers

Sit Ups

Air Squats



21 x Burpees

400m run

15 x Burpees

800m run

9 x Burpees

1200m run


Afternoon WOD:


1 min dead hang

25 GHD Back Ext.

25 GHD Sit-Ups

25 Air Squats

1 min dead hang

2 min Glute Stretch


#1 EMOM in 15 mins of:

1 x Squat Snatch —> Max


#2 Back Squats:

6×2 reps @ 80%



WOD: 13.06.2018

Warm up:

2 min glute stretch

25 GHD Back Ext.

25 GHD Sit-Ups

25 Air Squats


#1 Every 90 sec in 15 mins of:

2 x Squat Cleans —> Todays Max


#2 Back Squats:

Warm Up:

OH Squats —> Todays Max


6×3 Back squats @ 80% of 1 RM


#3 Metcon:

21-15-9 reps for time of:


Tripple Unders




WOD: 12.06.2018

Warm Up:

1 min Dead Hang

5 x Strict Pull ups

25 x GHD Back Ext.

25 x GHD Sit-Ups

25 x Air Squats

1 min Dead Hang

5 x Strict Press


#1 Pull-Ups

5×5 reps @ 15kg


#2 Strict Shoulder Press:

5×8 reps @ 80% of 1 RM


#3 EMOM in 12 min:

1 x Power Clean + 3 x Push Press —> MAX


#4 Metcon:


21-15-9 reps for time of:

Handstand Push-Ups

Ring Dips




WOD: 11.06.2018

Warm Up:

1 min dead hang

25 GHD Back Ext.

25 GHD Sit-ups

1 min dead hang


#1 Weightlifting:

Everu 90 sec for 15 mins of:

2 x Power Cleans

1 x Jerk

Work up to Max weigth for the day.


#2 Squats:

OH Squats: Use as warm-up —> Max


Back Squats: 6×2 @ 80 %


#3 Metcon:

21-15-9 reps for time of:


Tripple Unders



WOD: 11.01.2018

#1 Weightlifting:

Work up to a 1 RM of:

Hang Squat Clean


#2 EMOM in 20 mins of:

Odd minutes:

1 x Power Clean

1 x Push Jerk

1 x Split Jerk


Even minutes:

1 x Squat Clean

1 x Front Squat


#3 Metcon:

Team (3) WOD:

AMRAP in 25 mins of:

30 DB Snatch @ 22,5/15 kg

90 Wall Balls


#4 Midline stabilization:

5 rounds (not for time) of:

20-30 sec L-sit

8-12 Roll-outs with barbell.