

WOD: 26.12.2017

#1 Strength:

EMOM in 10 min:

1 x Squats Snatch + 1 x Hang Squat Snatch


#2 Metcon:

30 x Snatch (anyhow) @ 60/40 kg

10 x Wall Balls

25 x DU´s

20 x Wall Balls

25 x DU´s

30 x Wall Balls

25 x DU´s

40 x Wall Balls

25 x DU´s

50 x Wall Balls

25 x DU´s



WOD: 23.12.2017

#1 EMOM in 14 mins of:

ODD mins:

5 x Touch´n Go Squat Snatch @ Increasing weights

EVEN mins:

10m Handstand Walk


#2: Death By:

Burpee Rope Climbs

(1st min: 1 Rep, 2nd min: 2 Rep, etc…)



WOD: 22.12.2017

Morning WOD:

«Tabata» – 20 Sec work, 10 Sec rest = 1 round.

Do as many reps you can while working:

8 x Push Ups

8 x Sit ups

8 x Squats

8 x Shuttle sprints (10m)

8 x Burpees

(The numbers above are rounds, not reps)

Complete all 8 rounds with push ups, before moving on.



WOD: 21.12.2017

«50 Days of Christmas»:

1 x Muscle Ups

2 x Squats Cleans @ 90/70 kg

3 x HSPU

4 x Box Jumps

5 x KB Swings @ 32/24 kg

6 x Pistol Squats

7 x C-2-B Pull Ups

8 x Wall Balls

9 x T-2-B

10 x Push Ups

11 x Power Cleans @ 90/70 kg

12 x Font Squats @ 90/70 kg

Round #1: 1

Round #2: 1 + 2

Round #3: 1 + 2 + 3




WOD: 13.12.2017

Team (2) WOD:

10 x Muscle Ups

50 x Front Squats @ 60/40 kg

20 x HSPU

40 x Front Squats @ 70/45 kg

30 x T-2-B

30 x Front Squats @ 80/50 kg

40 x Burpees over the bar

20 x Front Squats @ 90/60 kg

50 x Wall Balls

10 x Front Squats @ 100/70 kg

(Challenge: The team must split 50/50 all the way)



WOD: 11.12.2017

#1: Weightlifting:

Every 2nd min on the minute:

1 x Power Clean

2 x Fronts Squats

1 x Jerk

* Increase weight for each set.


#2: Metcon:

Team (2) WOD:

AMRAP in 12 mins of:

2 Deadlifts @ 1,75 x Body Weight


6 Pull Ups.



WOD: 05.12.2017

#1 Weightlifting:

1 RM Power Cleans

*Work up to the days 1 rep max


#2: Metcon:

Team (2) WOD:

5 Rounds for time of:

10 x Cleans @ 80/60kg

20 x HSPU

20 x Front rack lunges @ 50/30kg

30 x Pull Ups