

WOD: 04.12.2017

#1 Gymnastics:

30 x Muscle ups (Bar or Rings) for time


#2 Metcon:

EMOM in 20 mins:


5 x High Box Jumps

7 x KB Swings @ 32/24 kg



3 x Burpees

6 x T-2-B

9 x Wall Balls

*Alternate between rounds.



WOD: 30.11.2017


2 Cleans (Anyhow) + 1 Jerk

* Start with the bar and add 2,5 kg on each side untill you can´t go any higher



2 Power snatch

* Start with the bar and add 2,5 kg on each side untill you can´t go any higher



WOD: 29.11.2017

#1 EMOM in 10 mins of:

4 x OH Squats @ (Increasing weigth)

* Take the bar from the ground.

* If you miss, do 5 penalty burpees


#2 Team (2) Metcon:

32 DB Deadlifts @ 2 x 22,5 / 15 kg

16 DB Thrusters @ 2 x 22,5 / 15 kg

8 DB Burpees @ 2 x 22,5 / 15 kg

4 Legless ropeclimbs



WOD: 28.11.2017

#1 Front Squats

Waves: 6 reps, 4 reps, 2 reps:

3 Waves with increasing weight.


#2 Team (2) Metcon:

AMRAP in 16 mins of:

12 Squat Cleans @ 60/40kg

16 Shoulder -2- OH @ 60/40kg

20 T-2-B



WOD: 26.11.2017

#1 Metcon:

AMRAP in 15 mins of:

8 x KB Swings @ 32/24kg

15 Burpees

4 DB Snatches (alternating hands) @ 50/35kg


#2 Rowing:

In teams of 3-4:

ROW for max distance in 30 min.

(You have to (and can only) row 250m before changing)

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WOD: 23.11.2017

3 x EMOM in 10 mins:



1 x Squat Clean

1 x Hang Squat Clean



3 x Thrusters (Increase the weight each set)



1st min: 10 Back Squats

2nd min: 9 Back Squats

3rd min: 8 Back Squats


(Increase the weight)