

WOD: 31.08.2017

1. Endurance:

Run your favorite hill-route for time.


2. Squats:

Continue on your Hatch Squat Program.

You can download the hatch squat program here.


PS: Tomorrow, we are doing a morning workout, så stay tuned!




WOD: 30.08.2017

1. Metcon:

«Summer Mayhem 2017: Event Two»

Team 4:

20 Min AMRAP of:

MAX Cal AirMill

MAX Cal Rower

MAX Reps farmer carry @ 2×24/2×16 kg

(1 rep = 10m length)



AMRAP 20 min of:

10 min MAX Cal Row

10 min MAX reps farmer carry @ 2×24/2×16 kg.

(1 rep = 10m length)


2. Push´n Pull Strength:

5 rounds (not for time) of:

5 Strict Shoulder Press

3-5 Weighted Pull-ups

1 Strict Ring Muscle Up



WOD: 29.08.2017

1. Hatch Squat:

You can download the hatch squat program here.


2. «Summer Mayhem 2017: Event One»:

Team 4:

Establish Team Total:

1 RM Clean

1 RM Weighted Pull-Up

Max Strict HSPU (Defisit male: 2 x 25kg)


3. Metcon:

Amrap 9 min:

9 Thrusters @ 43/30kg

6 T-2-B

3 Burpee Mu´s



WOD: 28.08.2017

1. Løfting:

EMOM i 15 minutter:

1 x Power Clean


2. Styrke / Midline:

5 Rounds (not for time):

5 x Strict Defisit HSPU

21 x GHD Sit-ups


3. Metcon:

«Summer Mayhen 2017 Event Zero»:

Team 4

3 rounds for time with partner (M+F)

600m run

2 rounds of:

8 x Syncro Squat Clean Thrusters @ 60/45 kg

16 x Syncro Pull-ups



WOD: 20.08.2017


In teams of 2:

For time (each):

800m Run

600m Run

400m Run

200m Run

400m Run

600m Run

800m Run

Person #1 starts while person #2 waits for person #1 to finish the first 800m.

Then Person #2 runs 800m while person #1 rests… and so on.




WOD: 12.08.2017

1 Løfting:

EMOM: så langt du kommer…

3 x Touch’n go Clean & Jerk

Øk vekten med 5kg for hvert minutt.


2 Metcon:

Team 2:

1 min:

1 x Burpee over the bar

1 x Thruster @ 40/30kg


2 min:

2 x Burpees over the bar

2 x Thrusters @ 40/30kg

Så langt laget kommer innenfor 1 minutt.