

WOD: 09.01.2018

#1 Weightlifting:

Power Cleans


Work up to 1 RM of the day


#2 Metcon:

Team (3) WOD:

AMRAP in 15 mins of: Wall Balls

Person #1: Wall Balls

Person #2: Static Handstand Hold

Person #3: Rests.


*You must switch if you fail to hold the Handstand position or if you drop the ball.



WOD: 08.01.2018

#1 Strength:

30 x Muscle Ups (Bar or Rings)

* Do the 15 first with a MedBall


#2 Metcon:

3 Rounds for time of:

10 x Squat Cleans @ 70/50 kg

20 x Front Rack Lunges @ 70/50 kg

30 x Cyclist Squats @ BW



WOD: 05.01.2018

Morning WOD:

1 – 10 – 1 reps for time of:

Push Ups

Air Squats



Afternoon WOD:


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:

Bench Press @ 1 x BW

Deadlifts @ 1,5 x BW

Squat Cleans @ 0,75 x BW



WOD: 02.01.2018

#1 Weigthlifting:


1 x Power Snatch

1 x Hang Squat Snatch

3 x OH – Squats

(Must be done unbroken)

Find your 1 RM of the Complex


#2 Metcon:

Team (2) WOD:

AMRAP in 10 min of:

80 Wall Balls

20 Power Snatch @ 60/45 kg



WOD: 31.12.2017

Team (2) WOD:

AMRAP in 20 mins of:

20 x Goble Squats @ 32/24 kg

18 x Burpee Over the KB

20 x KB Swings @ 32/24 kg

18 x Strict HSPU

20 x KB Lunges @ 32/24 kg

18 x Pistol Squats

20 x KB SDHP @ 32/24 kg

18 x T-2-B


Exit Key: 18 Burpee MU´s / Burpee Pull Ups



WOD: 29.12.2017

In teams of (3):

For time:

10 Rounds of:

1 x Power Clean

1 x Squat Clean

3 Bar Mu´s


10 Rounds of:

1 x Power Clean

1 x Squat Clean

5 x C-2-B Pull Ups


10 Rounds of:

1 x Power Clean

1 x Squat Clean

9 x Pull Ups



WOD: 28.12.2017

#1 Weightlifting:

Squat Snatch: 1 lift EMOM.

Up to max

(After 3 lift on the same weight, increase the weight)


#2 Skill/Gymnastics:

10 rounds of:

10m Handstand Walk

5 or 10 x GHD Sit-ups

(If you can do the 10m unbroken, you get to do 5 GHD sit-ups)